ISBD Young Investigator Awards

     Dear Colleague,

     The Executive Committee of the International Society for Behçet's Disease has decided to awards up to 8 Young Investigator Awards, each of US$500. These will be awarded on the basis of submitted abstracts to the 10th International Conference on Behçet's Disease; Berlin 27-29 June 2002. You have an option to buy persuasive essay paper on any topic you wish via the form at

     It is hoped that a young investigator, defined as being aged 35 years or less, will be able to indicate his/her wish for an abstract to be entered for such an award, and abstracts will be judged by a jury and the outcome announced by the end of April 2002.

     I hope that you may be able to draw this attention of research workers collaborating with your working group.

     With kind regards,

     Yours sincerely,

     Colin BARNES
     President of the ISBD
